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18 Mar 2018

Deprecated asset "names"

This feature is no longer enabled by default and now forms part of the aliases feature.

The original purpose of the "name" field was to provide a custom label that was more user friendly than a developer ID, but shorter than the full source text. Although some people found this useful, it caused many more people a lot of confusion and was commonly mistaken for the actual source text. It had to go, but you probably won't notice.

Introducing asset "aliases"

In addition to each asset's unique ID you can now specify alternative aliases. This is useful when exporting to multiple platforms where different identifiers may occasionally be required. See the developer documentation on this.

Don't worry, we're not resurrecting a bad feature under a new name. Unlike the old "name" field, these aliases are only used when you explicitly need them. Translators won't confuse them with source text and they aren't shown as custom labels in the UI.

The legacy of the "name" alias

If you have an old project that used asset names, you won't notice any change in functionality, but for backward compatibility you will now have an alias called "name" and an option in your settings to use this as a custom UI label.

You can remove asset names from your project by deleting the alias from your settings AND disabling the legacy option shown below.


Project settings showing the deprecated asset names feature enabled. Switch this OFF to disable the legacy behaviour.

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