Charging third parties for access to Loco
It's against our terms of use to charge third parties for Loco subscriptions, but there are exceptions if you are:
- A translation or software company, and part of your service requires granting your clients access to your Loco dashboard.
- An accounting or billing agency and have been asked to manage the subscription paperwork for a client with a Loco account.
Agencies and your clients
The primary function of Loco is to help companies manage their translation projects and invite others to access and collaborate. In this situation it's normal for the Loco account owner to be an agency and guest members their paying clients.
We expect agencies may add an overhead to their fees in order to cover their Loco subscription costs. This is perfectly fine providing the client is aware that they're free to manage and pay for their own Loco account any time they like.
Authorized billing contacts
Loco account holders may appoint a single third party billing contact.
If you provide accounting services, ask your client (who must be a Loco account owner) to authorise a single email address as the point of contact for billing and subscriptions. They can do this by logging in to their account and sending us a message via the contact form. We will then be happy to discuss any payment issues with the appointed contact directly and provide access to Loco's online billing tools as needed.
If your role as a billing provider requires manual ordering, please take note of Loco's direct billing process and proceed accordingly.
Please note that in all situations where a third party is authorized to manage paid subscriptions, the original Loco account holder remains the final authority over the account. A billing contact may stop payments, but they do not control the account. They cannot transfer ownership, and cannot modify any other data unless invited to do so by the relevant means.
Reselling subscriptions
Loco does not work with resellers.
Cold emails along the lines of "We have a customer interested in a licence.." will be ignored. Persistent senders may be blocked.
If you're a reseller and have been asked about Loco by your client then refer them directly to set up their own account, or test it for yourself and by all means consult them on suitability and pricing. Please then follow the directions for being an authorised billing contact if they have asked you to help them manage their subscription.
Simply adding Loco to your books and selling our subscriptions is not allowed. This includes selling API access whether via a proxy service or otherwise. Accounts that appear to have been resold in this way will be closed without notice.